# These settings were set by the catalyst build script that automatically
# built this stage.
# Please consult /usr/share/portage/config/make.conf.example for a more
# detailed example.
CFLAGS="-march=native -msse4.1 -msse4.2 -ftree-vectorize -O2 -ftracer -fweb -pipe -w -frecord-gcc-switches"
# WARNING: Changing your CHOST is not something that should be done lightly.
# Please consult
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/change-chost.xml before changing.
# These are the USE flags that were used in addition to what is provided by the
# profile used for building.
USE="X amd64 amr apache2 arts avi bitmap-fonts bzip2 \
cgi cli clucene consolekit crypt ctype cups dga dirac dlloader dri dv \
dvdnav dvdread eds emacs emacs-w3 -esd faac faad \
fame fasttrack ffmpeg -fortran gallium \
gd gdbm gif glitz -gnome gnutella gpm gstreamer \
-gtk gtk2 gnutls -hal ieee1394 input_devices_evdev \
input_devices_keyboard input_devices_mouse -ipv6 \
-isdnlog java jpeg libv41 libv412 kde \
kdeenablefinal kdeprefix \
kernel_linux ldap -libg++ lm_sensors lzo mad \
melt mikmod mmx mmxext mng mp3 mp4 mp4live mpeg \
mpeg2 mtp musicbrainz mysql ncurses nls nptl \
nptlonly nsplugin nspluginwrapper offensive ogg \
-oggvorbis opengl oss pam pcre pdf pdflib perl \
php player policykit png pni ppds -pppd python qt3 \
qt3support qt4 quotes rar readline \
real reflection rtsp sdl semantic-desktop session \
spell sockets spl sse sse2 ssl svg svga svgz tcpd \
tiff theora truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts \
twolame udev unicode userland_GNU \
virtuoso v4l v412 vlc vorbis \
wma win32codecs xcb xft xml xml2 xorg \
xscreensaver x264 xv xvid zlib"
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,-as-needed"
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="-jobs 8 -load-average 16 -verbose -quiet"
MAKEOPTS="-j9 -l16"
LINGUAS="de de_DE en en_US"