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sweet localhost
Frequent lock ups are a symptom of not enough memory but only in the way that nosebleeds are a symptom of gunshot wounds to the head.
In a world without walls and fences who needs windows and gates?
Shnifti-Web or
My Soup !
Frequent lock ups are a symptom of not enough memory but only in the way that nosebleeds are a symptom of gunshot wounds to the head.
In a world without walls and fences who needs windows and gates?
Shnifti-Web or
My Soup !
In a world without walls and fences who needs windows and gates?
Shnifti-Web or
My Soup !
hold them all
oder wie die eine version heißt, die man auf dsf sieht
Ullrich Andreas
Meine Konfiguration:
x86_64/Gentoo-13/gcc Version 4.6.3/KDE-Version 4.12.5/Kernel version 3.7.10
Graphic: 2x Nvidia 9600-GT OC SLI,Drucker: Samsung CLP-315W
Frequent lock ups are a symptom of not enough memory but only in the way that nosebleeds are a symptom of gunshot wounds to the head.
In a world without walls and fences who needs windows and gates?
Shnifti-Web or
My Soup !
Ein Leben wie auf Messers Schneide!!
Software is like sex - it's better when it's free.
In a world without walls and fences who needs windows and gates?
Shnifti-Web or
My Soup !
Frequent lock ups are a symptom of not enough memory but only in the way that nosebleeds are a symptom of gunshot wounds to the head.
sweet localhost